Tahmidsanu (10 years ago) Happy bday suhana.hope u all are fine there
Tahmidsanu (10 years ago) I am very well doing here suhana finally m graduate..i still remEmber you..plzzz contact me on my email add ansaritahmid@gmail.com
Tahmidsanu (11 years ago) assalamualikum..today is my birthday
Tahmidsanu (11 years ago) assalamualikum m fine suhana n hope allah keeps u always happy.please contact me on google plush(ansaritahmid@gmail.com)say salam to all in Home ...
smile380 (12 years ago) Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you. ...
smile380 (12 years ago) KeEping a FRIEND is As Difficult AS losing one. U sacrifice A lot To keep them. I may not have sacrificed enuf 4 u... but in my HEART I swe...
smile380 (12 years ago) Don't try to betterthan someone else.Try to be better thanwho u were yesterday....God Bless U
smile380 (12 years ago) Never walk away from true friends when u sees some faults. Be patient & realize that nobody is perfect. It is only affection that matte...
smile380 (12 years ago) One day i may die without saying good bye to U.But i will never forget to say thank you,Because you hold the most loveliest part in my life....
taha78647 (12 years ago) ahan thanx
suhana01gk bayaan kr unse mera haal e dil ay hawa......wo shukhs ye na samjhy k uski yaad nhi aati - (13 years ago)Comment (5)
DaZzLingEyes (13 years ago) More Baby Doll Comments
Khan2272 (13 years ago) huh we cant msg u suhn...nice privacy wil be happy if u delet me...
Tahmidsanu (13 years ago) u never do rply even though u come online.. vry sad 4 me
Tahmidsanu (13 years ago) mmmaaaany maaannny happy returns of the day---- may allah fullfil ur all wish and desires of u...