Relation: Single | |
Mobile Operator: Telkomsel | |
Phone Model: Iphone 5 | |
Schools: Super Junior High School | |
Fav. Music: pop | |
Fav. Movies: Harry Potter, Final Destination, Transformers, attack on the pin, up boys, Lord Of The Rings | |
Fav. Books: Autumn In Paris | |
Fav. Celebrity: Super junior, Cho Kyuhyun, Lee Sungmin, Lee Donghae, Lee Eunhyuk, Kim Yesung, Kim Ryewook, Park Leeteuk, Tan Hangeng, Kim Heechul, Choi Siwon, Kim Kibum, Kim Kangin, Shin Donghee, Henry Law, Zhoumy | |
Skinner Since: 12 years ago | |
Last Login: 12 years ago | |