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Om Mig

♣i am Simple GirL♣

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11 years ago


Before Marriage

Romantic: Guy Drowning
He: yes! atlast it was so hard 2 wait
she:do you want me 2 leave?
He: No! don’t even think about it
She: do you love me ?
He: ofcourse! over n over!
She:have u ever cheated on me?
He:No!y r u even asking?
She:will u go on wid me on picnic?
He:every chance I get!
She:will u hit me ?
He:R u crazy?I’m not that kind of person!
She:can I trust u?
She: Darling!

After marriage
">http://www.funnyjunksite.com/pictures/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/What-A-timing....jpg" border="0"/> What A timing...
Now simply read from bottom to top

Every time a girlfriend calls me to tell me her
Where r u? what r u doing?
R u busy? How much busy?
Ltl or more?If ltl, Y dont u call me?
If more busy, then who asked u 2 read this?
Dont smile call me immediately
">http://www.punjabigraphics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/good-night-friends4.jpg" border="0"/> Good Night Friends


11 years ago


Friendship isn't about chilling out together doing common things,
its about when you're in disappointment,
they'll be there for you...

To know your true friends is actually simple.
Just remember who lift you when you fall.
That's friendship all about...

We r born Alone, we leave Alone,
we die Alone, Through our love & friendship
can we create the illusion for a moment
that we r not Alone...?

I want our Relationship to b like Tom n Jerry,
no matter how many times we fight,
we won't be apart...!

Its ok to cry in a hard situation that you are going thru,
but you cant spend the rest of your life crying,
so wipe them and move on...

---♥ ♡☆ ☆♡ ♥---
11 years ago


'!••► we all beautiful ◄••!

For we’re all God’s wonderful creature...!!
He made some big and some small,
Some are young and some are old,
Some are white and some are black,
Some are short and some are tall,
No matter where you come from too,
Whatever the colour of your hair and eyes,
Or the shape of your head and nose,
God made it so and we are all beautiful...!
We’re made in God’s image- that’s cool...!!
Whichever language you do speak,
It doesn’t even matter what you look like,
God loves you for...

••► we are all beautiful ◄••’!!!

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/6a33d70201927084e344abd6c442c0ec.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/79/0146a1a8ea791e7018e9585ed3b7e06c.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://friends18.com/img/baby-pictures/0448.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://friends18.com/img/baby-pictures/0393.jpg" border="0"/>

">http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/02c4b5ad57a3cd0699d3f25e93589148.jpg" border="0"/>

Beautiful Evening 2
My Beautiful Friend


11 years ago


">http://i.imgur.com/NsOHCKh.jpg" border="0"/>
'People are often unreasonable and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you.
Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.

friendship 68a ">http://s4.postimage.org/uowborj6x/friendship_68a.jpg" border="0"/>
love 165a ">http://s4.postimage.org/3yumx9yw9/love_165a.jpg" border="0"/>
motivational 227a ">http://s11.postimage.org/c2ihvj0nj/motivational_227a.jpg" border="0"/>

Good or Bad, Life is full of things to appreciate..
From sadness, we appreciate happiness…
From mistakes, we appreciate experience….
From friends, we appreciate laughter…
From love, we appreciate companionship….
From Faith, we appreciate God..and
From all the above, we appreciate growth...

miss you 31a ">http://s11.postimage.org/ar1jvkqa7/miss_you_31a.jpg" border="0"/>

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