nobody compares to you :* - (11 years ago)Comment (16)
Skinnygarfield (7 years ago)
Asad1138 (11 years ago) To live a life i need heartbeat,2 have heartbeat i need a heart,2 have heart i need happiness,to have happiness i need ...
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Morning Have Nice Day
Asad1138 (11 years ago) come here
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Than why u Are Feeling Forzen
Asad1138 (11 years ago) indo have cool weather?
Asad1138 (11 years ago) weather is hot like me and there?
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Taking rest and you
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Have A Great Day U ToO
Asad1138 (11 years ago) You've seen me laugh You've seen me cry And always you were there with me I may not have always said it But tha...
Asad1138 (11 years ago) Entire water of the sea can't sink a shipunless it gets inside the ship.Similarly, negativity of the worldcan't put you...
Asad1138 (11 years ago) bye take care walikum salam
Asad1138 (11 years ago) thats goOD
Asad1138 (11 years ago) fine and u?