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About Me:

Kylie Lopez is a woman who seems to look silent, timid but - a real soft spoken. But at 26, she has done enormous things when it comes to her passion. She is born to be an online marketer who does her job with dedication and unending discoveries for her clients' welfare.

She believes that marketing is not the same as what it was taught back then when she was in school. With the advent of technology and digital media, the faces of marketing became more broad and deep. It takes great and critical mind to survive the competition and demands of online marketing. Apart from which, her technical skills she had incurred in her bachelor's degree have helped her out in her everyday endeavor in the online world. Hence, it is no surprise that she works for an it service organization that offers big data, it services, consulting and training.
Cuming soon
Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 9 years ago
Last Login: 9 years ago

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