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About Me:

Kingdom Impact Ministry (KIM) is a Christian non-profit organization based in Montrose, Colorado. KIM is the global media outreach, apostolic and prophetic ministry of Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo. We are called to be God’s voice, “HIS TRUMPET ON THIS EARTH”, reaching people worldwide with the message of Jesus Christ through the demonstration of the power of God with miracles, signs and wonders following.

We are impacting lives locally and worldwide through our bold broadcasting Television program - KINGDOM COME WITH DR. ANDREW NKOYOYO, miracle crusades, conferences, seminars, media outreaches, schools of ministry and church services around the world.

Stream Kingdom Come video message series, episodes and special prophetic Words online or on your TV via Kingdom Impact Network Live TV or Video On Demand channel free 24/7/365 days year available on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, mobile devices, Chromecast, iTunes/Apple TV and Smart TVs. Go deeper through free Christian Bible Study online, know Jesus Christ, discover who is GOD and other inspiring articles and preparing the way blog all for free online at kingdomimpactministry.org.


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Relation: Is a Secret
Skinner Since: 8 years ago
Last Login: 8 years ago

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