donkamaico (11 years ago)Happy Democracy Day to y'all. Today is my Day.
donkamaico (11 years ago)The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patroits and tyrants. Goodmorning friends and a happy new week. Have a nice day you all.
donkamaico (11 years ago)I dnt bliv in dzstance.cuz dizstance dnt hlp matas....@ Etisalat. Happy sunday palz.
donkamaico (11 years ago)It wil tak oly God nd super natural human,2change who i waz. Gudmuwie frndx
donkamaico (11 years ago)When you believe in a thing,believe in it all the way,implicitly and unquestionable.
donkamaico (11 years ago)Hapi sunday 2 u al. Nd Hapi women's Day 2 ma sweet mum.mum i luv u
donkamaico (11 years ago)Hapi sunday 2 u al. Nd Hapi women's Day 2 ma sweet mum.mum i luv u
donkamaico (11 years ago)Hapi weekend 2 u al frndx,av a wander4 weekEnd.