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Idea for Valentine Days

RistaNurmalita Guestbook

Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)

ur most welcome Sweeti
Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)


have sweet day

salman7867  (11 years ago)
so did u see wht i wont with my sweet lovely friend.

Chake in inbox honey.
salman7867  (11 years ago)
my dear friend be strong then.

If u b'come my life, my g/f we r indian we give heart onley one time in life and onley one of.

So do u ready to make my true and a real g/f mmmm.

We so far but we r near, we so long destence but near with inside brith air, when we come to each other near, that day is first and last day , that time u and me alone face to each other, and ill give u one biger then biger world gift, that is not see with aver eye, but he is very near on boath ok.

That is my love is with u and me der he show my face to u ,and ur also.

U feel wht ever i right now like poitery '' but it is be real feel of real lovear
salman7867  (11 years ago)
i wont my one lovely sweet friend and g/f also.

Will u make it.
salman7867  (11 years ago)
Hey romantic u don't have time to talk.

I don't like that friend who don't talk
Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)


have great weekend

Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)

Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)


Ch0c0lateVaMpIrex  (11 years ago)

ur welcome
hows u dear?
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