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Dernier login: 11 years ago
Skinner depuis: 16 years ago
Pays/Region: Brunei
Sexe: Feminin
Age: 33

Anonymous Identity

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Relation: C'est complique
Modele de portable: Nokia N97
Operateur GSM: DST
Occupation: student
Companies: LiL hyper pwiNces, coM
Ecoles: nusa laila puteri, ugama beribi, smja, smr
J'adore: honest in evrythin
Je deteste: those who love to judge people and yand jahat, pLus pLus backsTabber
Musique Favorite: pussycat dolls and rihanna
Film Favoris: Esp, Barbie, princess movies, harry potter, twilight
Livre Favoris: princess by bikash nur idris
Vedette favorite: Esp, Eboy, 39, teddychclate, haha, pussycat dolls and rihanna
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OwnSkin In-A-Box

a propos de moi

Optimistic, independent, impulsive, playful, competitive, courageous, sometimes combative and always adventurous. Energetic, pioneering, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic. Impatient and a bit of a daredevil. Extremely idealistic view of what love should be. Extroverted and friendly. Think fast, move fast and talk fast (chatterboxes, haha!). Terrible and quick tempers that are easily set off and may often give the impression of bossiness. Stubborn and generally refuse to accept defeat, even long after a situation has become untenable. ahmm, Just a simple girl..biT TaLkaTive! :) N N ska kcau urg.. Love to make new friends asalkan ikhlas..i do love princess and funky stuffy.. i do really love so muchy2 the pussycat dolls and to collect teddy bears and pwesent from my besh fwenzie eyr and eyn..shayangs kamu,of course my biggysh biggysh lovely family!!and and lastly..dun judge me if you really2 don't know Tke cre paLs!:)
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