Mi Perfil


Último inicio de sesión: 10 years ago
Themero desde: 12 years ago
Comunidad/Localidad: JayBee
Genero: Masculino
Edad: 33

Anonymous Identity

Más Sobre Mi

Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: Nokia C3
Operador de Movil: Celcom, DiGi
Ocupación: Web Design
Compañias: Creative Web Design Crew, Team Lanun
Me gusta: Islam, Music, Movies
Odio: Talam Dua Muka Derrrgghh
Música Favorita: Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, RnB, Raggae
Peliculas Favoritas: Resident Evil, Final Destination
Libros Favoritos: Surat Khabar Lamaaaa
Famosos Favoritos: Bruno Mars, Pittbull, Wiz Khalifa, Bob Marley, Snoop Dogg
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...:::Team Lanun Crew:::...

OwnSkin In-A-Box

Sobre Mi

Islam itu Indah dan Mudah. Kalau hayati betul2, mesti boleh dapat. Napa kita x igt pada Rasulullah S.A.W sedangkan dia igt pada ummatnya dan boleh selamatkan kita pada hari akhirat kelak. Dialah satu2nya Nabi yang banyak menangis, sedih kerana kita dan boleh beri shafaat supaya kita dijauhkan dari pintu api neraka. Renung2kan lah ye. :)

Mi libro de visitas (62) Firmar libro de visitas

12 years ago
kat community ownskin ni, bab2 os photo tuh bnyk pompuan ntah hape2... nmpk sgt pakcik2 tua miang yg like pict2 tuh... har har har!! tu yg smpai pict2 cmtuh blh jd top 10... har har!
12 years ago
Find me here, and speak to me
I want to feel you, I need to hear you
You are the light that's leading me to the place
Where I find peace again
You are the strength that keeps me walking
You are the hope that keeps me trusting
You are the life to my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything
And how can I stand here with you
And not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms and you give me rest
You hold me in your hands
You won't let me fall
You steal my heart and you take my breath away
Would you take me in, take me deeper now
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this

Cause you're all I want, you're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want
You're all I need
Everything, everything
12 years ago
thx 4 app !
12 years ago
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